
Friday, December 4

Little Tags for Your Handmade and Home Baked Goods

Sometimes it's nice to have a little finishing touch for those labors of love we do at holiday time, whether it be baking, sewing, primming, beading, or other creative activity.

Download this simple tag set free of charge. Once in Dropbox, if you don't have a free account, just click the Download button up on the right of the screen you'll see. Don't worry, the pop-up window asking you to get a free account will then disappear and you can download in peace.

Or you can click the image below and SAVE or PRINT the sheet, depending on your computer and printer set-up. Finally, Blogger lets me upload huge files. 

If you click it and the image shows a little magnifying glass with a "+" on it, CLICK AGAIN to make it full-sized, then right-click to save!

Thank'ee for stopping by!


  1. These are so great. But not as great as you are with your sharin' the good stuff here. xoxo Oma Linda

  2. Thank'ee, Oma Linda. I feel so much happier giving them away than selling them.


Halloo dearies! Glad t'see you and thanks for any kind comments.