
Saturday, March 5

Shabby Spring Bulbs Tags / Mini Banner Set

One of the most wonderful parts of spring, for me, is the profusion of bulbs that come up after their long sleep in the cold soil.

Here are some tags that can be strung on ribbon or just stuck wherever it suits your fancy.

Before our long drought out in West Texas, certain bulbs would bloom from year to year in this area. Our first year after moving here, we were delighted when narcissus popped up and turned the entire front hedge into a show-stopping cloud of yellow. I interplanted muscari (grape hyacinths) in with them, and the blue and yellow were even prettier. The small muscari is a tough and under-appreciated bulb, but being a short plant, keep it in the very front.

Thank you for stopping by. As always, click the "P" to Pin, but avoid the "P" when clicking to isolate and save the image. Click, click again to enlarge, then RIGHT-click to save.


  1. I noticed today my bulbs (tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils) were poking through the ground. I love this time of year!! Love your little tags too!

  2. Are your graphics public domain?

  3. I thank you, they are beautiful

  4. Thank you for sharing such pretty items.

  5. Thank-you. These are so pretty.

  6. I love the spring flowers that grow from bulbs, but most can't be grown here in Florida. Thank you for these lovely tags. You brought spring flowers into my home. :)


Halloo dearies! Glad t'see you and thanks for any kind comments.