
Sunday, November 7

Freebies and Nonsense Continues at New Blog!

Still carrying a torch for blogging! And for free tag sets now and again!

Visit me at

Is a renaissance of blogging occurring? I hope so!

BBB -- Bring Blogging Back!


Kind regards,

The Olde Dame, Holly 


fall leaves in pecan grove 2021



  1. Hello there! I don't think blogging was ever gone, just that some of the older bloggers slowed down, got sick, even died. The young ones seem to prefer Instagram so didn't even bother starting a blog. A lot of us bloggers are still here! I've taken lots of breaks from blogging but always came back. Nice to see you again! I always enjoyed seeing what you shared here. Have a wonderful day! Keep on blogging!

  2. Thanks for the informative and insightful articles

  3. Thank you for the interesting and thought-provoking perspectives presented in your blog posts.


Halloo dearies! Glad t'see you and thanks for any kind comments.