8 hours ago
Wednesday, December 16
"A Happy Christmas" Graphic to Pretty Up a Blog or FB Post, and Drama
Dearies, it's been a doozy of a week, and it's just Wednesday.
I was written up at work. At my age! After a lifetime of working! I was written up because I was sad because so many had lost their jobs in "our" company. Corporate doubletalk required me to retract and restate that remark. I was reprimanded and told "No jobs were lost. Our company has never laid off a single employee. The jobs no longer exist."
I'm not signing anything stating that I erred in remarking that people lost their jobs and were hurt.
Ah, such drama.
On a happier note, I think this would look sweet on a blog or FB post. I love the old-fashioned look, and wonder who the artist was who could do such fine engraving work.
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Thanks for the pretty graphic and stay strong ye Olde grey mare!
I wouldn't sign a lie either, so proud of your correctness. xoxo Oma Linda
Thank'ee, donkey frens! Hope your Hump Day is going well!
I wouldn't have signed it either. That is just semantics!! The jobs were lost!! Have a wonderful Wednesday!!
I would not have signed it either! Good for you. Glad you didn't sign the written reprimand. One year, I refused to sign my annual review because I told the vice-president who wrote it that he wasn't qualified to review my work. It wasn't a bad review, either. I just told him he couldn't see me working when he sat all day in an administrative office with no windows.
goof for you! someone must set the example of being the moral compass:)
Thx dearies! You are PRECIOUS!
Thanks for all your goodies and glad you did not sign the letter, someday may my backbone be as strong as yours.
Thanks for your comments on my blog. After some serious sleuthing, I think I found yours! Sorry to hear about the problems at your workplace. I hope you don't lose your job over it but I admire you for sticking to the truth.